The Capital Region Interfaith Council (CRIC) is hosting
Joy of Faith, A Musical Gathering on Sunday June 13 at 3 pm
To access this event online through ZOOM, click the following link:
Joy of Faith is an annual Interfaith Musical Celebration. We are pleased to feature the soulful performances of 10 faith groups, videos that reflect the need for social distancing with family performers, a reflection on art, the Summer Solstice Powwow as it has been celebrated and Ramadan this 2021.
The program will be one hour in length.
Joy of Faith
1. CRIC President Address L’addresse du président CIRC
2. Excerpt from Noongom: Powwow L’extrait de séries Noongom: Powwow
3. Jain Society of Ottawa-Carleton La Société Jaïn d’Ottawa-Carleton
4. Falun Dafa
5. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
L’Église de Jesus Christ des saints de derniers jours
6. Ottawa Sikh Society La Société Sikh d’Ottawa-Carleton
7. Ahmaddiya
8. Sri Chinmoy Meditation Centre
9. Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
Fédérations des familles pour la paix et l’unité mondiales
10. Hindu Temple Ottawa-Carleton Temple hindou d’Ottawa-Carleton
11. The Bahá’í Faith La foi bahá’íe
12. Gratitude