Prayer vigil-COVID 19
There will be a prayer/meditation vigil on the evening of Sunday May 10 at 8PM, We invite people of all religious traditions to spend a hour in meditation, or prayer of your tradition’s style and practice. As you do this be mindful of the Sick, Health Care Personnel, First Responders, essential services, all those struggling with the physical isolation, research workers and all those working toward the alleviation of the suffering created by this virus.
If it is appropriate to your tradition, please feel free to light a candle and place it in your window as a sign of our solidarity in prayer, meditation and service.
January Meeting
The next CRIC meeting will be held January 12th from 2:30 to 4:30 at St John’s Anglican Church at 325 Sandhill Rd Kanata Ontario. To get there follow March Rd to Shirley’s Brook turn right, follow Shirley’s Brook to Sandhill Rd and turn left.
May 5th, 2019 Meeting of CRIC
At the most recent meeting of the Capital Region Interfaith Council we had a visit from representatives of MAP Reintegration. MAP, or Mentorship, Aftercare, Presence is an organization which seeks to assist people being released from prison to successfully re-enter civil society. MAP, which is an award winning support agency, is seeking to make their work more widely known, and to develop partners in the community to support those recently released.
Welcome to the Capital Region Interfaith Council’s new Web Page