The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) was founded in 1993 by Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. It is a biblically-based and family-centered organization. It was founded on the beliefs of several other organizations, as well as its predecessor the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC). The HSA-UWC was founded by Reverend Moon in 1953 in Seoul Korea. It had been established in 185 countries around the world.
The FFWPU is built upon Judeo-Christian traditions. Along with the Old & New Testaments, the FFWPU recognizes a book entitled Divine Principle as its holy scriptures. The Divine Principle is a compilation of the revelations received by Reverend Sun Myung Moon in the early years of his ministry. It also includes teachings and principles from the Old and New Testaments applying them to world history from the time of Jesus until present day.
We believe in one God, our Heavenly Father, who created man and woman and gave His children three blessings: be fruitful, multiply, and dominate the earth in a principled way.
We believe the family to be the purpose of God's creation, one man and one woman centered on God and united in love who give birth to children. Families centered on God are the building blocks of a society centered on God, a nation centered on God and ultimately a world centered on God.
We believe that true love, unconditional love, is the base upon which harmony and peace can be established between individuals, families, societies, and nations, thereby creating the heavenly kingdom on earth.
The FFWPU families offer the Family Pledge at 5:00 a.m. every 8th day as well as the first day of each month and year. For one hour daily starting at 5:00 a.m., each FFWPU family, parents and children together, gather to pray and read the Holy Scriptures. The FFWPU celebrates four major Holy days, God's Day, January 1st, Parent's Day in March (lunar calendar), Day of all things in June (lunar calendar) and Children's Day in November (lunar calendar).
There are three major ceremonies celebrated during the life of an FFWPU member:
The 8-day Ceremony where a newborn child is dedicated to God 8 days after his/her birth. The parents conduct the ceremony with family and friends in attendance.
The Blessing and Holy Wine Ceremony is the marriage ceremony. This ceremony is the most important event in the life of an FFWPU member.
The Sung Hwa Ceremony marks one's ascension to the spiritual world. It is conducted by the pastor of the local church.
FFWPU National Headquarters
215 Mavety Street
Toronto, ON, M6P 2M1
Phone: 416-322-5404
Website: www.familyfed.org
FFWPU Ottawa
941 Winnington Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K2B 5C2
Phone: 613-596-1295