The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized in Upper New York State on April 6th 1830 by Joseph Smith Jr. and five others. In a period of great religious fervor, a young Joseph was concerned over which of the churches was the one Christ established anciently. In answer to sincere prayer, prompted by a biblical scripture (James 1:4-5), Joseph Smith was personally visited in 1820 by God the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, who told Joseph to join none of the existing churches. Joseph was told that the existing churches possessed some of Christ’s original teachings, but over the centuries many had been lost or changed by man. He was directed that heavenly messengers would be sent to give him the authority and complete teachings of Jesus Christ that were lost or changed, and that he would restore Christ’s true church on the earth once again.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believes that the Bible (Old and New Testaments) are the word of God as long as they are translated correctly. There are many versions of the bible; however the church believes the King James Version to be among the most correct. The church also teaches that following the first visitation to Joseph Smith, heavenly messengers were sent from God to reveal many lost truths. One of the activities included instructions on the location and translation of ancient golden plates. These golden plates were found buried in a hill named Cumorah near Palmyra, New York. These plates, written by ancient prophets living in the Americas, contained a history of God’s interaction with the native inhabitants, revelations given to them, and a description of the resurrected Christ’s visit to that people. These plates were translated by the gift and power of God, and are currently known as The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is our belief in this book that led to the nickname, “The Mormons”. Along with the Bible and Book of Mormon, members also believe in a book of revelations called The Doctrine and Covenants, and another ancient scripture called The Pearl of Great Price.
We believe in God, the Father, His son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. We believe that they are three distinct personages, but one in purpose. We believe that God and the resurrected Jesus Christ have bodies that are immortal, perfect, and glorified and that the Holy Ghost is a personage of spirit. Our faith is centered on Jesus Christ as the only Begotten Son of God. We believe that when Christ came to earth in the flesh, he atoned for the sins of all humankind including Adams’. We therefore believe that babies are born innocent and free from sin. It is for this reason that we don’t baptize infants, but wait until an age of accountability – even eight years old. Children born in the church, and those who join as converts, are baptized by immersion by one having a priesthood authority. Members believe that they are literally the spiritual sons and daughters of God, a living Father in Heaven who loves and cares for each of his children. The church teaches that our lives are part of an eternal progression, that began with a pre-existent life leading to our birth into mortality, and that we will continue to exist after our mortal death. Our life has purpose and our existence is based on progression to a higher state of being, by developing faith in Jesus Christ and following His example. We also believe that God guided and directed mankind anciently by revealing His will through prophets and that he continues to do so today. We have a living prophet and twelve apostles as existed in the church that Christ originally established.
The Church is organized in 160 nations with over thirteen million members, including 60,000 full time missionaries who volunteer to teach the gospel or help the needy around the world. The Church does not have a paid clergy. Members are called as volunteers to serve in various capacities such as Bishop (congregational leader), youth leader, teacher, etc... Ordinances (rituals) must be performed by one who has been granted the authority from church leaders. We believe that this authority was directly conferred upon Joseph Smith by heavenly beings and therefore those who act on Christ’s behalf do so by a priesthood authority given of Him. Members pray to God the Father through his Son, Jesus Christ. On Sundays, members gather in a chapel close to their home and partake of the Lord’s sacrament, and learn of, and discuss how to apply His teachings in their lives. Daily prayer and scripture study is encouraged in the home. The church is also known for its many beautiful temples around the world. These buildings are designed for the purpose of special and sacred ordinances including marriages for all eternity. We believe that families can be together forever, based upon righteous living and implementing the actions of repentance and forgiveness in our lives. Members believe in being honest, chaste, obeying the law, and doing good to all people.
The head office in Ottawa is located at 6255 Cumorah Drive, Orleans, with additional chapels at 1017 Prince of Wales Drive, 5430 Richmond Road, and 178 rue de Sillery, Gatineau. There are chapels in Petawawa, and Smiths Falls.
Websites: The official church web-site is www.lds.org
A web-site to answer question about faith beliefs is www.mormon.org