Judaism as a revealed faith begins with the collective experience at Mt. Sinai, when the core beliefs were transmitted to the people. At the time, there was no Judaism per se, just the faith system of the "Children of Israel."
The main sacred text is the Torah, also known as the Five Books of Moses. Prophets and Scriptures together with the Five Books of Moses comprise what are called The Holy Scriptures. These Holy Scriptures come under the heading of the Written Law. The Oral Law, starting with the Talmud, includes all the explanations and applications of the Written law.
The central belief in Judaism is in God as the One and Only God. Deriving from that is the natural corollary belief in the oneness of humankind.
There are many practices within Judaism that span mortality, from birth till death. These include male circumcision, redemption of the first born son, Bar Mitzvah (for males) and Bat Mitzvah (for females) as the process of entry into adult responsibility, being married, propagating, and following death, a return to the earth.
There are many appointed times of celebration and commemoration, such as the Sabbath, the pilgrimage festivals (Passover-Pesah, Pentecost-Shavuot, Tabernacles-Sukkot), Shemini Atzeret-Simhat Torah, Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur (a full 25 hour fast), Rosh Hodesh, and minor celebrations such as Hanukkah and Purim. There are fast days commemorating sad times in Jewish history, and as well celebrations of recent vintage including Yom Ha'atzmaut for the re-establishment of the State of Israel and Yom Yerushalayim celebrating the re-unification of Jerusalem in 1967.
Additionally there are discipline related practices, such as the diet of permissible foods (kosher), the obligation to regularly tithe one's income, and thrice daily prayer among others. Added to the mix are a wide range of behaviour regulations governing person-to-person relations, including truth telling, avoiding gossip, active caring for others, etc.
There are many synagogues in Ottawa, as well as a full service Jewish Community Centre, a Home for the Aged, schools of education up to and including many adult education programs, a community newspaper, and a host of organizations addressing community needs.
The community website is www.jewishottawa.com.