
Hinduism is said to be more than 5100 years old and is one of the oldest known religions or faiths. Hinduism originated as a Way of Life, called '/Sanatana/ /Dharma/' (Everlasting Path), with no prophet or single founder. Direct Revelations from God, comprising part of the Scriptures, are used as the guide for the practice of Hinduism. Initially, Hinduism incorporated the worship of 9 planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Kethu), and 5 natural forces (air, earth, ether, fire, and water); however, this later developed into idol worship representing the various manifestations of the One God.


Revelations from God, received by Rishis and Seers, and transcribed into the original Sanskrit language are referred to as, Vedas, Agamas, and Upanishads. These and Epics are the primary components of our scriptures. There are four Vedas that are considered to be the primordial hymns. Agamas are writings that are the source for the performance of rituals and practices. Upanishads are the Vedantas dealing with the philosophical meaning of the Vedas. Epics such as Bhagavad Gita, Maha Bharatha, and Ramayana, among others, are mostly stories emphasizing the values of Dharma - the Righteous way of Living.


  1. ONE GOD (Creator and the Creation)- with no name, form, color, or gender, commonly referred to as BRAHMAN.

  2. KARMA and the Cycle of Reincarnation. The soul (Athma) is immortal and undergoes the 'Cycle of Reincarnation', which is birth and re-birth. This cycle is based on Karma that is the 'Law of cause and effect' of one's thoughts, words, and deeds.

  3. MOKSHA is the 'Yearning of the Soul'. Its goal is the liberation from the 'Cycle of Reincarnation', realizing its ultimate reality, and then being assimilated back with God.


Different paths to realize the Ultimate Realty are:

  • Bhakthi Yoga (Devotion)

  • Karma Yoga (Selfless Service)

  • Raja Yoga (Illumination through Meditation)

  • Jnana Yoga (Achievement of Devine Wisdom)

Idol and Temple Worship: Different manifestations of the one God are consecrated, invoked, and worshiped both in Temples and homes. Celebration of Festivals with rituals promoting devotion and observance of Dharma, meaning 'Righteous way of living'.

Interfaith Considerations

Hindus consider all religions and faiths that believe in the Supremacy of God are simply different paths, ultimately leading to God. Therefore, they treat all such faiths with mutual respect.

Relevance to Peace and Justice

All prayers end with 'Shanti' meaning 'Peace and Calmness'.
Observance of 'Ahimsa' - Non-injury and nonviolence.
The above-mentioned scriptures stipulate the observance of the principles of Justice by Rulers and Administrators.


Hindu Temple of Ottawa-Carleton
4835 Bank Street (HWY 31)
Ottawa, ON,  K1X 1G6

Phone: 613-822–1531
Website: www.hindutemple.ca

Open to the public from 8.30 to 10.30 a.m. and 4.30. to 8.30 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays and 8.30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. on weekends and holidays.

Services, in addition to the regular rituals in Temple and homes, include solemnization of marriages and final rites for funerals and cremations; presently provided by three resident priests. For further information, please call us or visit our website.